
Did you know...? Bulgaria is one of the biggest wine makers in the world.

It is common to greet each other by a firm handshake and eye contact. To get to know someone better, it is rather the facial expressions that matter, although you should not appear too emotional. It is also important to know that Bulgarians are moving their heads differently to say yes or no than in other European countries (yes: shaking the head; no: nodding).

Bulgarian communication is based on showing interest in each other. Therefore, interrupting is very impolite. To pass critique or to talk about a problem you should use open and respectful communication. Also, it might be good to first talk with a co-worker who is close to your position and can give you advice about who to talk to.

Many Bulgarian companies have a strong hierarchy as well as a clear division between employer and employee. Therefore, it is very important that you address everybody in the appropriate way, basically by using titles and surnames.

Punctuality is very important and required. If you are running late for an appointment, you should call ahead and let the responsible person know.