
Did you know...? In Poland, it is still common for men to kiss a woman's hand.

It is common to greet each other with a firm handshake. Small talk helps to get to know the other person better, so you basically exchange information.

There, Poles also talk about their families quite a lot.

Usually, Poles introduce each other by first name and add the titles pan (Mr.) or pani (Mrs.) in the front. It is unusual to address by surname. As Poles pay a lot attention to gestures and facial expressions, you should show your emotions, but it should not look like acting. It is polite to keep steady eye contact.

The Polish communication is very subtle. Important topics, critique etc. are often hidden. Also, private and professional topics are often mixed. Physical contact is another important part in Polish communication and expresses interest in the other person.

The time management can be very flexible. At work it is quite likely to do many different tasks at once. This may appear chaotic, but can be efficient, especially in terms of flexibility and improvisation. Punctuality is important, not only when you arrive at your workplace, but also when you finish.