
Did you know...? 89% of all Swedes speak English as a second language.

It is common to greet each other with a handshake. Useful topics for small talk are the weather, music, sports, nature, art, etc. The small talk phase does not last very long and business topics are starting straight afterwards.

At work, colleagues address each other by their first names, regardless of their hierarchy. Swedes are very modest. It is unusual to boast with professions or success. It is also unusual to talk a lot about personal matters. It is more likely to talk about professional tasks and experience. Nevertheless, Swedish companies have a very personal and cooperative structure. There are long breaks, colleagues might do some sports together or have a drink after work.

It is polite to listen carefully to what the other person is saying. Also, Swedes might talk with long breaks in between that should not be interrupted either. Physical contact is not very welcomed. For example, many Swedes do not like to take the metro, as it forces them to stand too close to strangers.

At work, time efficiency is very important. The tasks are solved straight forward. Also, punctuality is not only polite, but required. If you can expect a delay, you should let your co-workers know.