European Mobility in Vocational Education and Training
Welcome to our MOOC on Mobility Management!
This MOOC was designed in the Erasmus+ project ENNE – European Networks for the Enhancement of VET.
The mentored implementation of the MOOC has ended, but all online learning content is still available for free use.
It offers an online training aimed at enabling you to start and manage successful European Mobility Projects.
It contains information and advice about accreditation and application. It deals with several aspects important for project implementation like the selection and preparation of participants, tutoring and monitoring, evaluation, assessment and validation of learning outcomes according to ECVET. And it ends with project finalisation.
We first ask you to register for your language version in the form below and hope that you enjoy the course.

Your trainer for this MOOC: Sabine Roehrig-Mahhou
Sabine is accredited as mobility counsellor by the German National Agency. Since the end of the 1990s she is working in the organisation of mobility projects on the sending but also hosting side. Since 2005 she is the director of Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft, a non profit education provider in Leipzig in Germany, active – among others – in EU Mobility. Sabine served as expert in the EC campaigns “Youth on the Move” and “We mean business”, coordinated the European Knowledge Center for Mobility and contributed to a Quality Assurance System for Intermediary Organisations.
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5