Work plan and learning agreement
In preparation for the placement a work plan needs to be defined, including working hours and different possible activities. The conditions for the mobility are then defined in a Learning Agreement, agreed between the sending and host organizations and the beneficiary. Thanks to ECVET, the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training, it is easier for people to get validation and recognition of work-related skills and knowledge acquired in different systems and countries – so that they can count towards vocational qualifications. Let’s have a closer look at ECVET: |
Let’s have a look the different steps of a mobility project according ECVET
Some additional information
- In the Memorandum of Understanding sending and hosting organisation agree on carrying out a project together on the basis of ECVET.
- Learning outcomes identify what the learner will know, understand and be able to do by the end of a training or work placement. They are defined as knowledge, skills and competences. Participant, sending and host organisation should agree on them together.
- The learning agreement is a contract signed by all mobility parties, including the learner, in which the learning duration and expected learning outcomes are confirmed alongside mechanisms for assessment, validation and recognition.
- The learning activities should be in accordance with the learning agreement.
- The host organisation carries out assessment based on the criteria defined in the learning agreement.
- Back at home the assessment results from the host partner are evaluated by the sending organisation for validation and recognition.
- In order to improve the management of mobility projects, the whole process from preparation until recognition should be evaluated by the learner.
How to define Learning Outcomes?
To define learning outcomes is a challenging task. In order to support you, the EUKCEM project created a video tutorial and a ECVET Database. There you find learning units and outcomes for a large number of occupations, based on the experiences from several successful mobility projects. |
Learning outcomes should describe what learners are supposed to achieve during their stay abroad. This description is divided in knowledge, skills and competences.
Let´s describe one learning unit together: Please think about the different aspects and insert the information that fits for your planned project. If you need help, we also offer you an example.
What is your experience with ECVET in Mobility? Can you share good practices or do you have problems where the participants and trainers of this MOOC can help you? If you have units of learning outcomes to share, it would be great if you can contribute to the EUKCEM ECVET database
Online Tutoring 03.12. – 11.12.2020
This is my first project where I will be implementing ECVET and I am trying my best to understand it fully. I’m not sure how to work with the units that are not our national qalitifactions framework (for example, we don’t provide education in applying drones in agriculture and that is what my students will learn to do. As I understand, we need to create an extra unit?
Sorry, didn’t write my name 🙂
I do not have experience with ECVET in Mobility.
Using ECVET is challenging but at the end it helps a lot. I hope our materials help you
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