Dissemination and exploitation
Activities serving the dissemination and exploitation of results are a way to showcase the work that has been done as part of the mobility project. They are mandatory in each funded project but also important for your organisation. “Do good and talk about it” is a well-known but true phrase especially in marketing. You took great effort for your project, for your organisation and especially for the participants. People should know this, also having in mind the competetiveness in vocational education and training.
Let’s have a look at dissemination and exploitation as well as possible activities for both.
And now it´s your turn, fill in your plan for dissemination and exploitation:

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Online Tutoring 14.12. – 18.12.2020
This MOOC is very useful! Thanks for the opportunity, I highly recommend it!
This MOOC is amazing! I can only recommend!
Thank you very much for your nice words! Our tutors are all online for giving support until 18.12.2020.
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